Wood, Hay, and Stubble II
Last week, we were shaken from our slumber and out of our complacency by a 4.5 shaker. It was violent and the house shook and windows rattled loudly. Of course it took us back to 13 years ago and the 6.7 Northridge quake. It really scared me, only because of our experience with what a huge quake can do. At first I didn't think anything broke or fell--but oddly enough, as I was cleaning house on Saturday, I kept coming across things that had fallen over that I hadn't even noticed. Nothing broke (although I haven't checked the hutches yet). As with every event in our lives, this quake caused us to immediately assess our priorities, not to mention our "preparedness." How complacent one becomes when things are going well. We are no exception to what is common to most people. We found we had forgotten everything about preparing for a quake!
Then Fred said, "wood, hay, and stubble, honey." After all the work we have been having done on our house to get everything in shape before we can't for one reason or another, and here comes a quake to remind us once again that it can all be gone in a moment. And to remember always what really matters. And as I said in the first "Wood, Hay and Stubble" offering, there's not a blade of new Marathon Sod, not a "celtic wall brick" that can begin to compare with what really matters. At this moment there are six miners trapped in a mine collapse, there is a missing pregnant mother, there is a dear friend wondering if God will supply her needs, another friend's husband dropped dead of a heart attack at age 66...our Alaska kids have just been through a major move to a brand new community, a brand new job lies ahead, and baby is about to be born... and so life is what matters. Fred Jr. is getting ready to go to Uganda to bring hope to a world of hungry kids, and Annie is keeping up with her toddlers while hosting a young woman with no place to go and expecting her third baby...and so life is what really matters.

Before the New Lawn
After the New Lawn - And it's starting to brown because of the 100+ weather--so we're waterin' and we're hopin' but we're thanking God for what really matters.
Very nice! Ok, so is the wall new also??? I'm trying to picture the yard in it's previous state :) Can't wait to see it in person.
Sweetheart -
Thank you for your ability to describe and make real what is happening in our lives. You are so creative and out of the deep part of your heart you help all who read your blog to feel the emotion and love you pocess. Be assured of my love and prayers for you today.
(By the way the earth quake registered at 4.5)
yeah, i was going to say that dad. 4.5, not 5.4. Anyway...yes, people, relationships and family is what really matters, not stuff. It is hard to remember sometimes. Thanks for the reminder.
Yes, 4.5--that is part of why it was so amazing--"only a 4.5" but it shook so violently--it made us realize just how big the 6.7 was, exponentially. Thanks for such a sweet response Encourager!
RJ: yes, the wall is just painted, and the planter is brand new.
Charif and I didn't exactly keep our cool. She went running and hollering in the dark and I grabbed our robes. Not our shoes, not our kids. I grabbed our robes.
I'll work on my preparedness too AB.
wow...I can't imagine an earthquake! Makes me glad that I won't be here for the tribulation period..imagine what that will be like. I'm so glad that you and you're family are alright. I live in Nova Scotia (as far east as you can get), and I'd take a hurricane anyday, but I think it's all what you're used to. I'm sure I'd do a major freak out if the house started shaking! Thank goodness it wasn't major..although a 1.0 would be major to me... :) It sure does put things in perspective though...thanks for the reminder.
Hi Just-me: Thanks for your thoughts. You're right about perspective--I toured the devastation of Hurrican Katrina recently and I think I'll take the earthquake...maybe! I do think we're living in the end times...and we're looking forward to that day!
i love those moments when we see with God's eyes, the things that are important ... and the things we can take to heaven with us ... everything IS wood, hay and stubble!
thanks for your prayer on our behalf!!! blessings on ya!
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