Mr. Magee with his Pop-Pop

Helping Grandma wash dishes...

The stance: following in Daddy's footsteps!
This is Jonathan. He is three years old today. I was there when his mommy brought him into this world. She struggled so and he had a bit of a rough start spending five days in a NICU and we prayed that God would keep his little life and he would grow and be strong and be a blessing to everyone he would meet along this road called life. God has answered our prayers beyond anything we could ask or think. This little boy has brought more joy than we could have imagined--to his parents, his grandparents, his aunts and uncles, his cousins, and it seems to the whole little community where he lives. He's loaded with personality, physical strength, he's funny, he has the most beautiful eyes, he's very smart and talked early, and says the funniest things. When he and I were washing dishes at my sink in October, we were very busy, but in the middle of it, he just said, "I love you Grandma." So JOnathan, all boy, athletic little guy, busy, rough and tumble, has melted and stolen this Grandma's heart.
Happy Birthday little guy--better check your mailbox! Love, Grandma