Happy Mother's Day

Dear Friends, Loved Ones,
I think Mother's Day is an emotional day. Some have lost their mothers that were a constant loving force in their lives. Some had Mom's that were not shining examples of what we believe instinctively that Mom's should be. Some have heartache over not having been blessed with children. Some have lost a child and Mother's Day is a very lonely day. Some are raising their children's children. Some are raising their children alone, without the help of a loving supportive spouse. Some have children who have immeasurably blessed their lives. And some are in the trenches taking care of their little ones with little sleep, doing without, and wonder if they will ever catch up!
Today, I honor my own precious mother, my sister, and all those women, Grandmother's, Aunties, dear friends, cousins, sisters-in-laws, and of course, the four Judith Anne's, who have influenced me so over the years, including my daughters-in-law and my own wonderful daughter, and even my five little (and big) grand-daughters.
I was blessed this morning by listening to this little 7-year old girl, Rhema, who lost her Mama a year ago. She sings her heart out...I hope it blesses you, no matter where your own heart and circumstances are this Mother's Day.
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