When Isaac was about age 3, a story I was reading to him had angels in it. That sparked a conversation about Heaven and with great animation and enthusiasm I told him what I knew about Heaven and he listened so intently that I continued on finally exclaiming, "and we'll live there forever and ever and ever!" Suddenly Isaac's already serious face turned very dark and he reached his arms around my neck tightly and he cried out, "but Mommy, I don't want to go to Heaven! I want to stay here with you!" I realized then and there that this was a child who would analyze everything and he would need the facts before buying into what I had to say! (Think--"I Saw a Tree By the Riverside...")
Well, today Isaac is 33, and some call this the age of perfection. I would say that, yes, Isaac has reached the age of perfection. That is not to say that he has it all figured out, indeed he is a life-long learner--just look at yesterday's blog--or that he has reached any pinnacles where there is no uncertainty or trials he is facing. But Isaac has become a man who seeks the Lord, is leading his family in a Godly way, is an example to his friends and students, and he is a loving and gentle, caring Papa to his girls. His Dad and I are very proud of who he has become. We've always said we named him right, Isaac, meaning laughter, has truly brought such joy to our lives.
On your birthday today, dear Isaac, if someone were to ask me if I wanted to go to Heaven for ever and ever? I would have to say, "I don't want to go to Heaven, I'd rather be in Thorne Bay today wishing you the happiest of birthdays!"