Saturday, December 29, 2007

Annie showing Emmy and Jonathan their new brother...
New Grandpa and Grandma...

What a week! We spent a little time with my sister at her house and with my neices Holly and Mandy and Fred and Charif and their family. Then we headed north for the birth of our newest grandson, Garrett Alan. I'm reminded of what a gift children are to a family and to the world, especially children being raised to seek character and faith. I'm so thankful tonight that in spite of all the bad news in our world, there is good news being shared in homes, in churches, and in our hearts.

Pictures from the events of this week!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Too Much Goin' On...

Do you ever find yourself wondering how you'll ever get it all done before that big and special day, December 25? Do you wonder why in the midst of it all you're racing through your home moving furniture and emptying out a room because in one impulsive yet opportune moment you decide to rip up your carpet to see what shape your hardwood floors are underneath? Why would you do that when you just held a 65th anniversary celebration for your parents and you don't have the crystal put away yet? And the desperately needed monthly housekeeper is on her way and you realize it's almost December 25 and you need to give her a gift. Then you remember you're emceeing the company "end of year celebration" aka Holiday or Christmas Party--and you're wondering how to avoid the politically incorrect! And oh, by the way, your daughter could go into labor at ANY moment which means you've got to get your "Grandparent-Will-Travel" bags packed! Not to mention, you've got to get to work by 8:00 and you really want to download pictures from the most blessed event of a twin brother's first grandchild coming into the world already one week ago! Yes, there's chaos now reigning in my home thanks to my own "heaping it on" mentality and lifestyle--but the midst of it all there was a moment...a moment when there wasn't "Too Much Goin' On" when we stopped and prayed--we stopped carting it all out of the bedroom, stopped folding clothes and putting away the crystal--and listened to the poetry of a dear friend and grieving widow and mother who writes about a starry, winter night, when Jesus was born amidst all the chaos.

May the peace in our hearts in the midst of self-induced chaos remind us that, yes, there's "Too Much Goin' On" when you can't take time to listen, to care, to give. It's time, my loves, it's time!

Happy Grandparents!
Who would ever have thought--Accompanying my son...pretty blessed moment!
65 Years of Living and Loving!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A Grandson Named Jonathan

Today is Jonathan's fourth birthday! And what a fine boy he is. We just got back from visiting him and I enjoy being with him so much--he's sweet and tries hard to be good for his mama. I loved watching him play for hours with his Legos and reading stories, and shopping for Christmas decorations, watching him get a nice big boy haircut, and sitting with him in church. He helped me decorate the Christmas tree and he did such a good job, very painstaking approach! Jonathan says some pretty funny things--many are winners that need to go down in his baby book--what a delightful, bright boy. One such conversation went like this,

"Grandma, I'm really a girl."
"You are not Jonathan! You have a gun."
"Grandma, girls can go shooting with their dads and have guns."
"Well, you've got a cowboy room."
"Girls can be cowgirls too Grandma."
"Well, you've got a penis."

With that, a big huge grin showed up on his face and his eyes twinkled. End of conversation.

Yesterday his Pop-Pop sent him the followiing poem in an e-card--I thought it was darling! (Fred calls him Mr. McGee.)

There is a boy up in Burney named McGee,
This past year his number was three.
He's a boy I adore,
And he's made it to four,
So have a great birthday from me!

Today I remember Jonathan's birth, and the miracle of life and how precious he is to his parents and to us... And how precious he is to Jesus.