Summer Vacation!

The last three weeks went by amazingly fast! Katie and the girls arrived from Alaska on the 28th and stayed for two weeks. It was so wonderful to watch all the kids playing together as we gathered for various family activities. We just missed Isaac who stayed behind to get started in the new school year in Thorne Bay. During the two weeks Fred had surgery on his eyes--for drooping eyelids--it was pretty horrendous as far as how bruised and stitched up he was! He was a patient "patient" while the healing took placed and he stayed home for two weeks just going back to work this past Tuesday. I took two weeks off beginning August 24 and we managed to hit Legoland with all the mommies and all the kids, I stole a little time away to visit with our dear friend Lisa Norr from our San Diego years who was vacationing down in Carlsbad, and I took one day to take the oldest four little grand-daughters to Disneyland. Then on Thursday night before Katie and the girls headed back home, we had a small scale birthday party for little Jolie Ruth who turns "2" on September 28. I flew back up to Ketchikan with Katie and the girls and got to see their family reunite with Isaac who took a float plane over and then helped the family head home on the ferry last Saturday afternoon. I then flew down to Portland and spent two days at the coast with good friends Cheri Green and Anita and Gene Inzer. It was so beautiful. When I got home late Monday night, I was sick with a cold and there were fires everywhere...the air is thick with smoke and it is so tragic. I was glad to be home and have enjoyed the last couple of days recuperating and catching up with personal business and spending time with Fred who is doing really well. God is so good and I am thankful for family and friends and His blessing on our lives.