These flowers arrived yesterday from friends...what a fabulous surprise!

Baby Garrett loves his Easter eggs...

After the hunt...

Annie's Family (no pix of Freddy's family taken on my camera--will update later!)

Auntie Reef reading to Emily...

Mom's 87th Easter

Girls baking cookies...

Freddy's Family
Spring flowers...

Today is Palm Sunday but we celebrated Easter Sunday today since we're heading to Alaska on Friday to spend Easter in Thorne Bay with Isaac and his family and new baby (due this coming Tuesday!)! It was the first Easter egg hunt for Garrett who is 15 months old--he loved walking around with his first two found eggs...Penny hid them for Daniel, Jonathan, Emily and Garrett. We had traditional Easter dinner and colored hard boiled eggs and baked sugar cookies after dinner. We sang "Christ Arose" and "He Lives" before dinner and thanked the Lord for His Resurrection, without which our faith would have no meaning.
We are anxiously awaiting news of the safe arrival of our 8th grandchild, any day now, and wish all of our friends and loved ones a glorious Easter!