Yellow Rose of Friendship

The Wallaces, Beauchamps, Larsons, and Vallequettes got together at the Martin's yesterday and what a sweet time of remembrance, laughter, story-telling, warmth and affection we had together. We see each other now and then at major events, but haven't been together in this way for many years. It was perfect. Fred led a time of remembering and we had a ball sharing some of our memories. I loved seeing our parents' generation of dearest friends together again. My fondest childhood and teenaged memories included all who were there. The "reunion" probably should have lasted a weekend though because early this morning a flood of memories came back that I wish there had been time to share!
One thing we didn't touch on was the impact on our lives of growing up at Christ Community Church. I was thinking this morning about the hysterical (really) moment when Judi, Dorothy, Mrs. Escajeda, and Betty lip-synced to "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by the Beattles at the church's ice cream social around 1965. There was an elaborate stage, microphones, drums, the women were in suits and had Beattle wigs. The entire church was in hysterics! Now how does that fit in to our CCC faith heritage? Think about it. What Baptist church would ever have allowed that? That led me to think about how in many ways CCC was not very legalistic. Many people today think if you were raised "in church" that you come with a whole set of extra rules to abide by. Without legalism, I was able to make decisions based on what the Bible said, not by appearance, or Mr. Cart, or Lahoma Miller said! Think about how freeing that really is. Freedom, in Christ, to do what He would do. I'm so thankful that my parents found CCC to be the church home they raised their children in. And the same for the Larsons and the Beachamps, and Mary.
It also occurred to me that my little "Holly Dolly" was the first of the grandkids of our parents' generation. How appropriate that she would be there and what fond memories she brought!
Dear friends and family who came yesterday, thank you for taking the time and bringing your open hearts and hands. Let's not wait so long next time! Thank you Fred for giving each lady a yellow rose to take home and remember. And oh yes, the yellow rose of friendship is still blooming brightly and strongly.