Dearer than our children are the children of our children... (Egyptian proverb)
We just spent a weekend with the set of grandchildren in Burney...what joy! Jonathan is such a good boy and always wants to help, notice him helping shovel dirt while we planted flowers for his mama. And little Emmy is a whirling dervish of activity--she loves to look at books, but dashes away in an instant if she thinks you might be taking it away. Notice the two pix of her walking away--usually that's the best you can do on pix because she's always moving! Over this weekend Jonathan graduated to a big boy twin bed and he announced to me after it was set up, "I stayed in my bed ALL night (yes, until 6:00 a.m., much to his Mama's chagrine!)!
I don't know who said, "happiness is being a grandparent," but I know it's true...
After our weekend at Annie's, Fred was planning on spending several days up in Oregon visiting a number of our old friends there (after I flew home from Redding Sunday night), but he hurried home after we found out that our dear friend Joe B. Love passed away while we were at Annie's. Joe is married to Marguerite (see former blog about my mentor). Tomorrow morning is his service and Freddy and I will go with Fred who is participating in Joe's service. How quickly life can change and we do pray for our beloved Marguerite who will miss her "Love."
P.S. Thanks Jonathan and Emmy for showing Grandpa and Grandma such a fun time! (Thank you to Annie and Dave too!)