My Isaac...

April 11 - Isaac is born... he has brought laughter and joy to my life in so many ways. As a little boy he had such curiosity about important things--like how many legs does a catepillar actually have, or what happens if you give a goldfish a bath, and can a snail drive a fire engine? Then as a school boy his curiosity grew into collecting things, like leaves, or black widows found under the picnic tables at school. Finally, his love of writing and literature began to unfound and combine with a love for the outdoors that grew until it became the very fiber of his being. As a young person he was a dreamer--and when he wasn't thinking about his next haiku, or how to properly disect owl droppings, he was figuring out how to talk his mother into circles until she would agree to anything! And then adventure took him far away to gain his independence and a life many would only dream of. Each year as he would come and go, the leaving was hard, but the call on his life was stronger. And always, as the adventure unfolded before him, he would never forget his brother or sister and parents, or to say I love you, or to hug, or even shed a tear when we parted. Finally, when the adventure became lonely, he found the love of his life and his joy was complete. And a brand new adventure is being lived out and the call on his life is fulfilled.
Happy Birthday Isaac! Love, Mom