Forty Years Strong...

Today is our 40th anniversary. Fred has, as always, surprised me with a "ruby red" theme for the weekend! A goody bag filled with red treasures including a sweet little ruby ring...especially sweet since I lost my ruby ring when we were robbed last year, and especially because Fred cares so much...
Our trip to Redding has been fun--we visited with our dear friend Marguerite Love from our Sunkist days yesterday in Citrus Heights and our good friends Dick and Shirlee from our Central Bible Church days in Palo Cedro. Dick and Fred both grew up in Costa Mesa and know everything about the good old days there--reminiscing was so special, especially since Dick is very ill and we're not sure what the Lord has in store for him in these next months. What a blessing both of these friends are to us, examples of being positive in the face of trials no matter what. Marguerite's unending practical and grateful spirit, and Dick and Shirlee's tremendous faith and trust in the Lord. Never have we dreamed of such enduring friendship, support and love from these dear people.
Today we're off to see John and Hal, Fred's brothers in Burney and tomorrow we'll visit with Lillian, our red white and blue friend I've known my entire Grass Valley--we're staying at her most wonderful B & B tomorrow night and then will head home on Monday.
I leave this note filled with gratefulness to the Lord for His blessings to my life...expressed so beautifully in this beautiful poem Fred presented me with this morning. Happy Anniversary Honey!
We've journeyed together these past forty years
Times filled with joy and some time with tears.
You've been so steady and brought strength to our union
How good it has been to share life's communion.
We knew from the start that God called us as one
And we'd stay together til' our lives are all done.
My beautiful, patient, enduring wife
I'm glad that God drew us as partners for life.
As we look forward to the rest of our days
Let love and forgiveness enhance all our ways.
Now as we journey together as one
Let's honor the Father and His precious Son.
May the Spirit continue to fill us with grace
Until that wonderful day we see face to face
Our beautiful Savior in mansions above
And know even more the depth of His love.