Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Time to get up for breakfast kids!

This morning I made blueberry muffins. I thought back to how many times I made blueberry muffins from a mix for my kids. And I missed my little ones this morning. Oh yes, I could have made them from scratch and it would have been more of an act of service to my family, I suppose. But whether they are made from scratch or a mix, the message was the same, I loved to make my children happy. I couldn't do it always the way I wanted. I was prevented sometimes from my fantasy of what I imagined a good mom would do by a lack of resources, other circumstances, stresses of life. While I ate my share of the muffins this morning, I thought of you. I thought about if anyone is at my house for Christmas morning this year, I'll make the muffins from a box. Maybe the homemade cinnamon rolls too...but definitely the muffins from a box. p.s. Since I can't serve them to you, I'll drop them off to Grammies!

I love you kids!


At 9:31 AM, Blogger The Mad Fishicist said...

we'll be there on christmas morning.

love you.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger auntibeck said...


At 3:55 PM, Blogger coolskool mom said...

hmmm, i love warm blueberry muffins, boxed or homemade as long as they have butter.

At 9:39 PM, Blogger The Chindo said...

yep. blueberry muffins are the first day of school.


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