What a Week it Was! Installment #1
Surprise for Cel was the little ones all brought their blankies hand made by "Aunti-Cel" and Emie, as her grandkids call her, and surrounded her with her beautiful handwork!

Sofia and her castle cake by Grandma and Aunt Judi

Emmy in front, Brooke, Garret, Jolie, and Andrew--meeting new new cousins!!

Ladies in waiting Penny and Lydia helping Queen Sophia in the castle bounce house!

Emily swinging in Cel's kid-friendly backyard

Isaac's and Annie's families made the journey during Isaac's spring break in Alaska to come down and have a week of vacation. We filled every minute with activity, relaxing, and chasing the kids! I'm going to post a little at a time to show the highlights! The first event was "soup night" at Cel and Mike's. They rolled out the red carpet for all and the food was fabulous and everyone had a great time visiting and reminiscing. It was an opportunity to meet Rob and Tatiana's new baby Andrew and his grandmother from Russia, Annie's new baby Garrett, and Isaac's new baby Jolie. and all the extended family who could come to the event and we celebrated Sophia's third birthday. It was a "Noble Knights and Fair Maidens" party and all the kids came dressed at knights or princesses. Sophia was thrilled--she'd never had a big birthday party before and was delighted. They're gone back home and there's a quiet empty place, but we know we will be together again as a family soon...
gotta love a soup dinner, with all the extra's involved!!! Thanks Cel for a wonderful time.
Nothing beats soup night at Cel's. It was such a great time.
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